Hope for Hurting Parents & Children

By Donna Astern

Note: This is a very sensitive topic for many people. In no way is this article meant to cause you further pain, but instead to point to healing and faith in the One who can truly change a heart.

Have you noticed the epidemic of estranged parents, children, and grandchildren these days?  It’s both sad and startling to realize how many families (at least in the USA) are hurting due to broken relationships, especially among Christians.

Many adult children have been turning against their parents, their families, and/or their faith. The spirit of division and the influence of secular media & culture have taken many children captive. When also fueled by American individualism, this deception, in its extreme, dishonors and disrespects parents, displays rebellion and blasphemy, and causes hurtful family situations to become intractable.

Alternatively, at times, it is the parents who have turned against their children. The hurt of rejection works on both sides of the relationship.

Even though the Word teaches that in the last days, there will be disobedient, unloving, irreconcilable and rebellious people (2Tim 3:2-3), Christian parents and children are often stunned and confused to observe those behaviors in their own family.

For parents, it can seem as though the promise of Prov. 22:6 has failed.  “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Additionally, a sense of foreboding can hover over a parent’s broken heart due to the adult child’s violation of Ex. 20:12. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”

However, long before these current difficulties, our loving Father provided two promises I am highlighting for us to lay claim to in faith.

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Fewer Cowardly Lions: A Call to Leaders

Lion In Frank Baum’s famous story, The Wizard of Oz, is a lion whose behavior is far removed from his rank as “King of the Jungle”. He is a pathetic, sniveling coward afraid to lead and to confront the threats that surround him and his traveling companions. Near the end of the story, he finally rises to the challenge and demonstrates courage for the very first time, which brings a positive transformation to his personality and respect from the others.

Too often in the Body of Christ, we have leaders with a position of authority who are afraid to address the very real problems in the lives of those they oversee. Too often, the leader shies away with a promise to pray over the troublesome situation, while apparently waiting for it to go away or for someone else to deal with it.
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Finding Encouragement

It was a catastrophe.

David and his warriors returned to their home base at Ziklag and were shocked to discover that the city had been raided and burned and that all their wives and children were carried away captive. The men were in great anguish and, in their pain, blamed David and were ready to kill him.

David was greatly distressed. His own family had also been taken, and his life was now in danger from his own men. He was grieving and at a loss what to do.

At that point, David made the choice to strengthen himself in the Lord. He did not wallow in grief-stricken self-pity. As he stood alone, he turned to the One he knew to be a refuge in the day of trouble. He encouraged himself in the Lord.

Why was David alone able to find strength and encouragement?

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