When Your Prophecy Backfires!

By Donna Astern

Perhaps you can relate to this scenario. You receive an amazing promise of something wonderful unfolding in your life. God is going to bring a miracle or a breakthrough or some other fantastic blessing. You are humbled and delighted and excited!

Then everything goes wrong! A bad situation gets even worse! Money dries up, doors close, friends disappear, and bad news keeps coming. Baffled, you wonder, “What happened?!”

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Where Are You Looking?

When people are under stress, fear and desperation, that is when they begin to make wrong responses to situations.  Our wrong responses at best don’t help us any, and at worse… make things worse!

It is in times of difficulty is when we ESPECIALLY need to look to the Lord, and make right, godly responses to the challenges facing us.  Obedience to the Lord and His word include our service, tithing, giving and ministry– these are the seeds to sow when we most need a harvest!