Happiness and Wellness

Coaching for Living a Life of Balance

Wellness incorporates much more than food and exercise. Just as some people are overly focused on a career to the detriment of family, so are others singularly centered on an eating plan or workout regime to the point of exclusion of other aspects of life. Often times, there has been so much talk, time, energy, and money given to losing weight and getting in shape, that a person may not even remember what it is like to dream again about other parts of life. A coach gives hope and inspires dreaming.

Wellness implies a balance in life that includes peace, stability, and personal growth, even when faced with difficulty and painful circumstances. Wellness gives the ability to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments. It comes from building patterns that lead to endurance, strength, and optimal performance. But we are not machines. There is more to life than that.

Towards Greater Satisfaction

Happiness is a major factor in wellness.  A woman who despises herself for the chocolate cake she ate last night is not enjoying wellness, no matter if she is a size four and has an abdomen so firm you could bounce a quarter off it.

Sometimes Christians have an internal belief system that views happiness as a frivolous or carnal pursuit. And yet, Christian parents delight in their children’s happiness. Jesus stated He came to give us abundant life, which certainly includes happiness. Even the Amplified Bible translates the word “blessed” as “happy, prosperous, to be envied”. Blessing is a good thing!

In all kinds of coaching (wellness, discipleship, success and others), the goal is greater personal satisfaction. When people are pursuing happiness, they are motivated to change the parts of their lives that are making them unhappy. Physical health and fitness may be the primary reason to contact a coach, but the coach is going to listen for other areas of discontent. Once progress has been made with physical care, the client will be energized and encouraged, and may be willing to address wellness in spiritual or career or life-enriching matters.

Happiness Defined

As a matter of discovery, it is important that happiness is defined by the client. What thrills and motivates one person may leave another person completely bored. A few simple questions will help paint a visual picture of a satisfying life.

“What does happiness mean to you?”

“What would give you greater pleasure in this situation?”

“What would give you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning in anticipation of the day?”

“What does spiritual wellness look like?” “Or financial wellness, or social wellness?”

A coach, by bringing hope, asking questions, and inspiring greatness, will help you see the bigger picture– that of wellness in every aspect of your life.


Donna Astern is a certified Life Coach who loves to see people move forward with the unique plan and person God has for their lives.