Clearing the View

Rachel Meyer

By Rachel Meyer

Cutting down some serious overgrowth of weeds today for a friend was quite the job. Some had to be chopped to a manageable size and then pulled out by the roots, but wow! Once we were finished, we stepped back, looked up, and the view was incredible! We could see for a country mile! 

Of course, you know God gave me a little nudge about then. He whispered, “That’s what I keep telling you. Do this. Help My people do this.” And of course, He’s right.

As I looked out at the pastures and sky, I saw that our position hadn’t changed. Our view had cleared. It’s the same with our thoughts and emotions.

Many of us are not out of position, but slowly, without our realizing it, our view got obstructed. A negative thought here, a bad prognosis there, a slip of the tongue, a thoughtless opinion, each one pollinating the other, until we lose the vision. We can fix that. We can help each other fix that. Life happens to all of us. We can lose sight of our purpose, we can lose the vision.

But God can help us take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5).  He can help us cast down vain imaginations. And we can help each other.

Remember: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” ~ Proverbs 13:12

That’s what God wants for us. That tree of life. That Living Water. It’s hard work, but we can pull wrong thinking and negativity and complacency out by the roots! I’m praying for all of us. Let’s “git ‘er done”, and enjoy the view!