Wiser than You? The Surprising Simple Reason Why

Donna Astern

By Donna Astern

As Jesus said, the children of this world sometimes are wiser and have things more together than we do (see Luke 16:8). When it comes to living in this world, making advancements in business or in reaching goals, some non-believers are more successful because they behave more wisely.

“But a man is proved to be wise by what he has done.” ~ Matt 11:19 WE

Listening to business and inspirational successful people, I realized a common pattern. SO much of what the children of the world seem better at is actually faith! They go beyond just the concept to the step-by-step process of “write out the vision, make it plain”. (Sound familiar? See Habbukkah 2.)

How many of us do that?  Write it out in express detail? These folks get specific about what they want first. They envision it in detail. They look inside for reasons why they might be afraid and thus actually sabotage their plan. They consider the obstacles along the way and how to prepare for the challenges, etc.

And so, they actually spend a lot of time writing it out, working it out, expanding the vision.

Next they spend time in meditation, envisioning what it will look like when it shows up in real life. They stay on target to the point and until the time that faith that says “it’s done!” rises up in their heart and mind and takes over. Then they continue to feed it day by day, and every day take “aligned action” that will move them forward towards the goal. (Faith without works is dead – James 2:17.) They don’t sit around and wait for inspiration or to FEEL like doing it. They move towards the goal steadily and consistently. They deliberately add to their faith diligence, self-control, etc (2 Pet 1). They feed and grow it.

They move beyond concepts to implementation, and like the parable of the talents (see Matt. 25), used what they could to start, worked it, and increased it. Their wisdom and character brings results that others only wish for.

My challenge for you:  Create your own faith project that will advance you in some area of your life (large or small).
Build a plan for success and go for it!

  • Get specific
  • Write it down in detail
  • Deal with any internal reasons to sabotage yourself
  • Prepare for obstacles
  • Spend time in quiet meditation, envisioning the future in faith. Let faith arise.
  • Take consistent action regardless of feelings
  • Start where you are
  • Add to your faith to feed and grow it

Then share what you learned and experienced in the comments below.
“All things are possible to him who believes.” ~ Mark 9:23