Changing Our Temple Mentality by Laura Houck

By Laura Houck, Bridge Builders Ministry


1) Are you someone who endures through the week until you can attend church on Sunday in order to get into God’s presence?
2) Are you desperate for people to pray for you, and cannot wait until mid-week prayer meeting?
3) Have you been scheming ways to get someone you know to come to a church service so they can get right with God or get saved?
4) Do you seem to have great faith and boldness to pray and believe God for things while at a service, but struggle to pray at all in other places, whether at home or work?
5) Are you in a place that believes only your kind of church is the only way to know the Lord and all others are simply misguided?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it may be possible that you are suffering from TMS! Read the rest here.

Understanding Apostles and Prophets

If we do not understand the nature and function of a thing, we will not know how to get the proper use of it. Likewise, in the Church, we may understand the role and function of the pastor, evangelist, and teacher, but not the apostle or prophet. To avoid confusion and false expectations, a better understanding of these offices is needed.

The Fivefold Church

In this season, many are dissatisfied with the current operation of ministry found on Sunday mornings. They long for the corporate experience of worship as the people of God in which His presence is felt and His power is demonstrated.  No longer satisfied with the basic milk of spiritual food, they long to be fed something they can sink their teeth into — something meaty which gives them pause and makes them stronger.

God in His wisdom knew we would need help if we were ever going to mature and become conformed to the image of Christ. So Jesus left His mantle of leadership here on the earth and called men and women to take up that mantle and enter into His service. Continue reading

Help Wanted: Your Ministry

God has set leadership in place so that all believers would be “equipped for the work of the ministry”.  While most are not called to “pulpit” ministry, all are called to minister one to another with the gifts God has given.

Ministry and service is extending yourself for the benefit of someone else.

Whether regardless of a primary to call to public ministry, business, family, etc., all believers are to live balanced lives that include service and ministry to the body of believers!