When Your Prophecy Backfires!

By Donna Astern

Perhaps you can relate to this scenario. You receive an amazing promise of something wonderful unfolding in your life. God is going to bring a miracle or a breakthrough or some other fantastic blessing. You are humbled and delighted and excited!

Then everything goes wrong! A bad situation gets even worse! Money dries up, doors close, friends disappear, and bad news keeps coming. Baffled, you wonder, “What happened?!”

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Did the Prophet Miss It?

Certainly all human beings make mistakes, including people standing in the five-fold offices mentioned in the New Testament: apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist, and teacher (Eph. 4:11). It seems more common to suspect prophets of being false than the others, when in truth, false teachers have done more damage to the Church.

Making a mistake does not mean one is a false prophet or teacher or pastor. It means he is human. Continue reading

Give A Drink of Water From Your Well

You have been given the ability to be an avenue of refreshing to others. There is life-giving water from the well of salvation within that you can draw out to give to someone else. (Is. 12:3)

We are living in a time in which people need encouragement. God is sending people your way who need a refreshing drink. Jesus said, speaking of the Spirit, that from your innermost being will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:38-39)

You may not think you have anything to offer that discouraged or troubled one. But as you pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, the Spirit of God will begin flow out of you. You are the conduit to release the love and power of God. You have something to give. Seek to be one who encourages and strengthens. It will return back to you.

“A word in due season, how good it is!” (Prov. 15:23)

Be sure to watch for the next announcement for the Ministering Spiritual Gifts Seminar or contact us to schedule it for your group.

The Day After The Word

A prophetic word starts something in motion, but the path to fulfillment requires perseverance, patience and testing.

It is normal that things will look worse before it gets better. We are instructed to fight the good fight of faith in accordance with the words spoken over us.

God has a purpose in our destiny and the process of walking it out. Learn to dig deeper into Him and remain connected to the Body that God may be glorified in the fulfillment of all things.