Hope for Hurting Parents & Children

By Donna Astern

Note: This is a very sensitive topic for many people. In no way is this article meant to cause you further pain, but instead to point to healing and faith in the One who can truly change a heart.

Have you noticed the epidemic of estranged parents, children, and grandchildren these days?  It’s both sad and startling to realize how many families (at least in the USA) are hurting due to broken relationships, especially among Christians.

Many adult children have been turning against their parents, their families, and/or their faith. The spirit of division and the influence of secular media & culture have taken many children captive. When also fueled by American individualism, this deception, in its extreme, dishonors and disrespects parents, displays rebellion and blasphemy, and causes hurtful family situations to become intractable.

Alternatively, at times, it is the parents who have turned against their children. The hurt of rejection works on both sides of the relationship.

Even though the Word teaches that in the last days, there will be disobedient, unloving, irreconcilable and rebellious people (2Tim 3:2-3), Christian parents and children are often stunned and confused to observe those behaviors in their own family.

For parents, it can seem as though the promise of Prov. 22:6 has failed.  “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Additionally, a sense of foreboding can hover over a parent’s broken heart due to the adult child’s violation of Ex. 20:12. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”

However, long before these current difficulties, our loving Father provided two promises I am highlighting for us to lay claim to in faith.

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Romance and Marriage

The Prayer Team frequently receives requests expressing a desire to be married, or to be re-united with a former love, or for a spouse or loved one to change in his or her behavior towards him or her. Many people struggle with these unfulfilled desires.

We are happy to lift up your request to the Lord and to believe with you for your answers!

Here is my pastoral response for your consideration which I hope will be found beneficial. Continue reading

Pondering How To Answer

Relationships take work! In dealing with people, we are sometimes hurt by their flaws or sins. We are then left with the choice of how to respond. It can be really complicated at times!

“The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”(Prov 15:28)

Thoughtful believers want to walk in Christlikeness, however tempted to attack or withdraw. God calls us to relationship and fellowship, knowing that we will rub against one another from time to time. We might be called on to extend mercy and overlook a wrong, or it may be time to speak the truth in love.

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Victory Over Reproach

The Word instructs us that we are to live above reproach– to conduct ourselves in such a way that our critics can find no fault in us.

Of course, there are people who are always going to look to find fault, criticize and judge. We can have victory over reproach, and not fall into the trap of judgment and condemnation of others by sowing mercy, accepting mercy and living in faith that God is truly on our side!

Kingdom Unity

Unity is powerful, and it gets God’s attention.  Scripture tells us that where there is unity, there is God’s blessing, provision, power, and presence.

True Kingdom unity begins at the ground level of relationships.  We must maintain unity by learning to successfully overcome sin, conflict and transitions in our relationships.  When we continue to walk in agreement with the higher purposes for which our relationships exist, we will see and enjoy the fulfillment of God’s promises and blessings.