Embrace Your Destiny!

By Dr. Melodye Hilton

God continues to illuminate our minds concerning the remarkable call upon marketplace saints. The vision goes beyond financial increase or influence to one core purpose – the expansion of the Kingdom of God! The Kingdom is the “rule and reign of Jesus Christ.” Whoever we are, wherever God has called us, we are to submit to His governing rule thus seeing His will established in our spheres of influence.

I experienced a defining moment in my life 12 years ago when I went on a pilgrimage to Edinburgh, Scotland. I visited the castle there and saw the beautiful crown jewels. I was confused when I saw a large ordinary-looking rock sharing an honored place adjacent to the crown jewels. It looked so out of place! As I read the plaques I discovered it was the “Destiny Stone.” Continue reading

Forged Values

When it comes to ice cream, you may have a personal preference of vanilla over chocolate, but, allergies aside, it really will not make a difference which you choose.

However for the important decisions of life– choosing a church home, a career, a partner–there are reasons why one choice is more personally appealing than another. The reason is personal values, those non-negotiables in life where the line is drawn by us. Values provide the reasons why we do what we do. Continue reading

The Pushmi-Pullyu

In the children’s story of Doctor Doolittle, he finds an animal like a llama or antelope with two heads at opposite ends of the body, called a Pushmi-Pullyu (“push-me-pull-you”). When it wanted to move, both heads tried to go in opposite directions. Each mind had its own idea of what to do!

Can you relate to this dilemma? Continue reading

The Day After The Word

A prophetic word starts something in motion, but the path to fulfillment requires perseverance, patience and testing.

It is normal that things will look worse before it gets better. We are instructed to fight the good fight of faith in accordance with the words spoken over us.

God has a purpose in our destiny and the process of walking it out. Learn to dig deeper into Him and remain connected to the Body that God may be glorified in the fulfillment of all things.

Overcoming Failure

Everyone is going to fail at something at some point. Big or small, a failure is inevitable.

Our response to failure and our perspective if it, however, will determine whether we move forward, learn from it and grow, or whether the failure shuts us down and we get stuck there.

Throughout scripture we read of phenomenal men and women of God who had HUGE failures, but they weren’t characterized by their failures and continued to go on and fulfill their destinies. By learning to have the proper perspective and responses to our failures, we, too, can learn the lessons and move forward to fulfill our destinies.