Wiser than You? The Surprising Simple Reason Why

Donna Astern

By Donna Astern

As Jesus said, the children of this world sometimes are wiser and have things more together than we do (see Luke 16:8). When it comes to living in this world, making advancements in business or in reaching goals, some non-believers are more successful because they behave more wisely.

“But a man is proved to be wise by what he has done.” ~ Matt 11:19 WE

Listening to business and inspirational successful people, I realized a common pattern. SO much of what the children of the world seem better at is actually faith! They go beyond just the concept to the step-by-step process of “write out the vision, make it plain”. (Sound familiar? See Habbukkah 2.)

How many of us do that?  Write it out in express detail? These folks get specific about what they want first. They envision it in detail. They look inside for reasons why they might be afraid and thus actually sabotage their plan. They consider the obstacles along the way and how to prepare for the challenges, etc.

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Just Do It!

Rachel Meyer

Cleaning house, arms full, I spot a pair of shoes by the door and yes, I was actually picky enough to drop everything I was doing to go straighten them so they lined up with the other shoes! (I know, right!) But, the shoes were Nike, and it started me thinking about the Nike slogan, “Just Do It!”. It implies follow-through.

It occurs to me, that this is the place where many ideas and destinies may fall short. We are free enough, creative enough, to grasp the dream, but we have no stamina. We can’t see it through to the end. We quit when it gets messy. I am committed to re-examining the places where I have fallen short and putting all my “shoes” in order again! Crazy the places I find inspiration!

I’ve heard it said that God doesn’t speak today, and I know that He was silent for four hundred years, many years ago. But my God does speak. And He cares about the little things. He never quits, and I’ve never found Him to be silent. Not even when I found my own hearing somewhat impaired. 🙂 I just need to stop everything and listen. Our God IS in the details!

*Need an accountability partner to walk with you?Coaching can help you move forward into a more focused, strategic life in which you utilize your gifts and talents more effectively.  Read more here and then make an appointment for a complimentary session to see if coaching is right for you.

Repackaging and Reinvention

A couple of weeks ago, I was out for an evening walk and began to ponder the topic of reinvention.

From time to time, we hear of a well-known performer, often a singer, who is said to have “reinvented” him- or herself. Upon a closer look, we see that the whereas the singer may have changed hair color and style, costume, or even the genre of music (now country as opposed to rock, for example), there has been no fundamental change in who or what he or she does– still singing, but just in a new package.

Businesses and celebrities repackage often as a way to update their image or appeal to a new crowd, but when it comes down to it, it’s the same content with a nice new package.

On the other hand, some people have genuinely reinvented themselves. Continue reading

Spiritual Evolution

True spiritual evolution starts with a divine dissatisfaction with our current status. Recognition of our need for the Savior initially led us to becoming born again.

From that point on, we grew and made spiritual progress. Yet, when our journey led us to a wall, we grew increasingly appalled at the disparity between the promises of the Word and what was our current experience. The abundant life Jesus promised was only partially understood or incorporated into everyday life. We knew deep down we were falling short of the promise. Continue reading

Coaching Clients Past Setbacks by Finding Values

The client sat downcast. “I know I said I wanted to, but I am having trouble sticking to the plan. Here I go again. One more attempt to make a real positive change and then another brick wall!”

At times, a client seems to be his own worst enemy. He started well, but ran out of enthusiasm or confidence along the way. The “why” seems weak in the face of the discouraging results or boredom or painful experiences.

It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:15: For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.
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Happiness and Wellness

Coaching for Living a Life of Balance

Wellness incorporates much more than food and exercise. Just as some people are overly focused on a career to the detriment of family, so are others singularly centered on an eating plan or workout regime to the point of exclusion of other aspects of life. Often times, there has been so much talk, time, energy, and money given to losing weight and getting in shape, that a person may not even remember what it is like to dream again about other parts of life. A coach gives hope and inspires dreaming.

Wellness implies a balance in life that includes peace, stability, and personal growth, even when faced with difficulty and painful circumstances. Wellness gives the ability to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments. Continue reading

What is a Life Coach?

In the Church, the roles of the mentor and counselor are accepted and understood, looked to for instruction, direction, and advice. Coaching is a less understood function, a fact complicated by the numbers of people calling themselves coaches, whether or not they have received specialized training.

A life coach or leadership coach has been trained (and coached) in a different skill set than a mentor or counselor. The mentor imparts knowledge; the counselor seeks to heal and restore. The underlying premise of coaching is that God has made you the steward of your life, not the coach. Therefore, a coach does not tell you what to do, but works with you to help you discover what course of action to take and why. A Christian coach is interested in helping you understand what work God is accomplishing within you at this season of your life.

“Mentoring is imparting to you what God has given me; coaching is drawing out of you what God has put in you.” ~ Dale Stoll

Transforming Lives One Conversation at a Time

Is Something Missing? Awakening Your Desire for Positive Change

In the Biblical book of Genesis is the story of creation. God created the heavens and the earth, and Adam to live in the Garden of Eden.  Adam had everything he needed and was content and happy.

Then God said it was not good for man to be alone and that He would make a helper for Adam. God knew Adam had a missing part of his life, but Adam did not, so God began to create a situation which would indirectly reveal it to him.

Interestingly, the action God took was to first make animals and bring them to Adam to see what he would name them. As the animals came, I believe they came to him male and female, causing Adam to note the difference between a lion and lioness, a rooster and a hen, a bull and a cow. These examples stood in contrast to Adam who did not have a mate. As all of the animals came to be named, God was awakening a desire in Adam for a mate, whom He subsequently made and presented to him. Continue reading

Crabs in the Bucket?

Many people living near the ocean enjoy crabbing as well as fishing. Once the first crab is caught, it is placed in a bucket and is likely to crawl out. However, when a second crab is placed in the bucket, the crab-catcher knows that neither will escape. The reason is that when one crab will attempt to crawl out, the other one will pull it other back down. Neither crab will allow the other to get out.

The crab is not getting out itself, but it does not want the other one to get out either! So both stay in the bucket and become somebody’s lunch.

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Which Way to Run?

Two Responses to Challenge

God knew that after 400 years of slavery, the Israelites were not ready to enter their Promised Land. They needed to have a new perspective of who they were and of the God who had delivered them. In His mercy, with the cloud by day and the fire by night, He led them along an alternate route, rather than a direct one.

After a time, they grew discouraged in the wilderness because of the way. (Num 21:4) Their trek was longer and more challenging than they had expected. They fell into ingratitude and grumbling towards the man they had once praised for his vision and leadership. Mutinous plans to return to Egypt were formed, but God squashed the rebellion. He intended that they move forward into their inheritance as a sovereign nation. Continue reading

Permission to Rest Outside of Tahiti

One observation I have heard visitors to the States often make is that Americans are always in such a hurry, and that we don’t seem to know how to relax. In contrast, people in some countries work fewer hours and have much longer vacations. In some cultures, a nap is just part of daily life. The idea of “hurry” and “overtime” just doesn’t fit in with my idea of Tahiti.

When was the last time you took a break to just enjoy a beautiful day? Can you take a real day off? A real vacation? Do you feel guilty when you do? Continue reading