Wiser than You? The Surprising Simple Reason Why

Donna Astern

By Donna Astern

As Jesus said, the children of this world sometimes are wiser and have things more together than we do (see Luke 16:8). When it comes to living in this world, making advancements in business or in reaching goals, some non-believers are more successful because they behave more wisely.

“But a man is proved to be wise by what he has done.” ~ Matt 11:19 WE

Listening to business and inspirational successful people, I realized a common pattern. SO much of what the children of the world seem better at is actually faith! They go beyond just the concept to the step-by-step process of “write out the vision, make it plain”. (Sound familiar? See Habbukkah 2.)

How many of us do that?  Write it out in express detail? These folks get specific about what they want first. They envision it in detail. They look inside for reasons why they might be afraid and thus actually sabotage their plan. They consider the obstacles along the way and how to prepare for the challenges, etc.

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Clearing the View

Rachel Meyer

By Rachel Meyer

Cutting down some serious overgrowth of weeds today for a friend was quite the job. Some had to be chopped to a manageable size and then pulled out by the roots, but wow! Once we were finished, we stepped back, looked up, and the view was incredible! We could see for a country mile! 

Of course, you know God gave me a little nudge about then. He whispered, “That’s what I keep telling you. Do this. Help My people do this.” And of course, He’s right.

As I looked out at the pastures and sky, I saw that our position hadn’t changed. Our view had cleared. It’s the same with our thoughts and emotions.

Many of us are not out of position, but slowly, without our realizing it, our view got obstructed. A negative thought here, a bad prognosis there, a slip of the tongue, a thoughtless opinion, each one pollinating the other, until we lose the vision. We can fix that. We can help each other fix that. Life happens to all of us. We can lose sight of our purpose, we can lose the vision.

But God can help us take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5).  He can help us cast down vain imaginations. And we can help each other.

Remember: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” ~ Proverbs 13:12

That’s what God wants for us. That tree of life. That Living Water. It’s hard work, but we can pull wrong thinking and negativity and complacency out by the roots! I’m praying for all of us. Let’s “git ‘er done”, and enjoy the view!

Hope for Hurting Parents & Children

By Donna Astern

Note: This is a very sensitive topic for many people. In no way is this article meant to cause you further pain, but instead to point to healing and faith in the One who can truly change a heart.

Have you noticed the epidemic of estranged parents, children, and grandchildren these days?  It’s both sad and startling to realize how many families (at least in the USA) are hurting due to broken relationships, especially among Christians.

Many adult children have been turning against their parents, their families, and/or their faith. The spirit of division and the influence of secular media & culture have taken many children captive. When also fueled by American individualism, this deception, in its extreme, dishonors and disrespects parents, displays rebellion and blasphemy, and causes hurtful family situations to become intractable.

Alternatively, at times, it is the parents who have turned against their children. The hurt of rejection works on both sides of the relationship.

Even though the Word teaches that in the last days, there will be disobedient, unloving, irreconcilable and rebellious people (2Tim 3:2-3), Christian parents and children are often stunned and confused to observe those behaviors in their own family.

For parents, it can seem as though the promise of Prov. 22:6 has failed.  “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Additionally, a sense of foreboding can hover over a parent’s broken heart due to the adult child’s violation of Ex. 20:12. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”

However, long before these current difficulties, our loving Father provided two promises I am highlighting for us to lay claim to in faith.

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Prayer Without Band-aids

In looking over the various prayer requests that come in, I wanted to share some thoughts on identification and intercession.

Gal 6:2 says to “bear one another’s burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ”. Fulfilling the law of Christ is to continue in caring for one another as He taught and demonstrated.

Son of Man and Friend of Sinners

Did you notice: Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man, not the Son of God? He identified with humanity — he lived as a man anointed and led by the Spirit of God. He felt the pain, weakness, and suffering of people and was moved with compassion to pray for them, work miracles, and show kindness and acceptance and forgiveness. He referred to people as sheep in need of a caring shepherd. Continue reading

Ever Hopeful

Joshua waited 40 years to enter the Promised Land due to other people’s behavior. When it was finally time to enter, he was insistent that their hope was guarded from negativity and fear, by not allowing the people to talk as they marched around Jericho.

A leader is a dealer in hope, and a leader will persevere when others quit.

These stories were written for our instruction that we might have hope.

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